
In accordance with the Federal Decree Law No. (20) of 2018 Article (1) concerning Anti Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Illegal Organisations, all clients will have to provide their details for the purpose of identifying or verifying the information whether a natural or legal person or a legal arrangement, the nature of its activity, the purpose of the business relationship, the ownership structure and control over it for the purpose of this Decree-Law and its Implementing Regulation.

As corporate service providers we have an obligation to maintain complete KYC for all our clients.  As a result Brownstone has invested promptly to set up a compliance department to and ascertain that the company is fully compliant as well as assist clients and to adhere to all compliance and KYC requirements.  We has gone a step further and are now able to provide full compliance support to companies and institutions in terms of company and individuals KYC as well as assist with setting up of appropriate AML policies, forms and requirements for companies.  We are able to manage company and personal submissions and constantly send AML and Compliance updates.  If you are interested to see how we can assist do get in touch with us, contact us.     

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